# A Node For African Thought

Research and Innovation

To achieve and maintain the University’s vision and mission, the research and innovation division contributes mainly by promoting the research related goal of the institution which is: to drive growth in UNIZULU research and Innovation

Dr Alan Bhekisisa Buthelezi

Faculty: Education

Department: Educational Foundations

Discipline: Educational Management and Leadership


Highest Qualification


Contact details

Email: ButheleziA@unizulu.ac.za 

Phone: 035 902 6043

Campus: KwaDlangezwa

Impactful Research Publications

(Author(s); Year; Title; journal / publisher)

Buthelezi A.B. & Ajani O.A. (2023). Transforming school management system using participative management approaches in South Africa, International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, https://doi.org/10.20525/ijrbs.v12i4.2708, (Vol 12 No 50)Bussecon International Dis Tic. Ltd. Barish Mah. Enver Adakan Cad. Westside 1/E1-25 Beylikdüzü/Istanbul, Turkey.

Buthelezi A.B. & Ajani, O.A. (2022). Enhancing participative management practices among secondary schools in patriarchal South Africa, Journal of Educational and Social Research, ISSN 2239-978X - E-ISSN 2240-0524.

Buthelezi, A.B. (2020). Participative management as a component of staff delegation at male-dominated secondary schools in South Africa: Experiences of subject heads in the King Cetshwayo district, Gender & Behaviour Journal, Volume 18 (3).

Buthelezi, A.B. (2020). Stakeholders’ involvement in decision making at secondary schools in patriarchal South Africa: Are they really on board? Gender & Behaviour Journal, Volume 18 (2).

Buthelezi, A.B. (2020). Management development needs of principals impacting on participative management practices at male-dominated secondary schools in South Africa, Gender & Behaviour Journal, Volume 18 (2).

Buthelezi, A.B. & Gamede, B.T. (2019). Challenges facing secondary school principals regarding effective implementation of participative management in patriarchal South Africa. Gender & Behaviour, Volume 17 (4).